showing 2 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Excitebike  Nintendo1984[media=youtube][/media]***
[52]***Excitebike is an excellent early side-view racing game. Playability is the big plus of this game. The controls - once used to it - are very well done and controlling the motocross bike feels intuitive and realistic (well at least as realistic as it can get in 1984). On top of it there is a clever desing mode, letting the player create his own tracks. Although the game was released early in the Famicom/NES era it is one of the best racing games for the system.***Face crazy curves, hairpin turns, and daredevil jumps as you race toward the checkered flag and the Excitebike championship. Race against the clock or challenge an opponent. You must keep your bearings as you fly through the air and avoid getting clipped by other racers. Stay cool under pressure or your bike will overheat. If you get tired of racing on the circuit, create your own course in Design Mode. There you have access to all the ramps, mounds, bridges, and other obstacles Excitebike has to offer.
Stunt Kids Camerica (Codemasters)1992Stunt Kids comes in a silver Camerica cartridge.
1 player or 2 players simultaneous.